Year: 2024

Die Sprechstunden von Prof. Evert im Wintersemesters 2024/25 finden in den ersten vier Vorlesungswochen montags 9–11 Uhr nur per Zoom statt, ab 13.11.2024 dann mittwochs 10–12 Uhr hybrid. In beiden Fällen ist eine Voranmeldung über StudOn erforderlich. Weitere Informationen sind unter

Category: general, important, teaching

In LeAK 2 we experimented with a joint learning (Multitask) approach. I.e., a single NER tagger comprising multiple prediction headers (spans, entity classes and risks). We used the same corpus as in LeAK and combined both domains (Landlord-tenant and Transport) during the training step and achieved...

Category: blog

Transparency and availability of such documents is not only important for Law Sciences, but also for the public in general, for the whole legal-tech area, and for the digitalisation of government institutions. However, according to estimates (see Coupette and Fleckner 2018, Sohn 2018) a very small a...

Category: blog