Vortrag: Annamária Fábián-Trost (22.1.2025)
Im Rahmen des Oberseminars Computerlinguistik findet am 22.1.2025 ein Vortrag statt, zu dem wir herzlich einladen möchten.
Dr. Annamária Fábián-Trost (Universität Bayreuth, Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für digitale Transformation [BIdT] München)
Mittwoch, 22.1.2025, 16:15-17:45 Uhr
Bismarckstr. 12, R.0.320 (05204.00.320)
“Linguistic data exploration for inclusive digital societies”
In recent years, social change has been accompanied by digitalization and thus more visibility for social diversity with all dimensions and inclusion. Recent studies in computer-mediated communication and human-centered data science on diversity and inclusion examines diversity-related digital communication (Fábián & Trost 2023, Fábián & Trost 2024, Fábián et al. 2024) by using corpus linguistic research methods for revealing diversity specific linguistic characteristics. In this tradition, this presentation highlights the communicative reproduction of disability and inclusion in computer-mediated communication. In this corpus linguistic study, collocations, n-grams and word clouds in social media corpora will be highlighted with the aim of relevant factors for inclusion. In addition, I explain how digital corpus exploration from Corpus Linguistics supports data-based work for the empowerment of disability-related diversity and strengthens the legal implementation of inclusion in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The study illustrates the benefits of digital corpus linguistics and human-centered data science for interdisciplinary research on inclusion in digital societies, alongside with sociology, law and communication studies and the transfer of these disciplines for social benefits.
– Fábián, Annamária / Trost, Igor (2023): Digital Corpus Linguistic Analysis of the Language of Inclusion, Discrimination and Exclusion of people with disability in social media – in a German corpus of 214.926 Tweets on #disability and #inclusion between 2007-2023. In: Louis A. Cotgrove / Laura Herzberg / Harald Lüngen / Ines Pisetta: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities 2023. Mannheim, 65–72.
– Fábián, Annamária / Trost, Igor (2024): Computer-Mediated Communication for Inclusion: Digital Corpus Analysis on Disability and Inclusion on Social Media. In: Louis A. Cotgrove / Laura Herzberg / Harald Lüngen: Exploring digitally-mediated communication with corpora: Methods, analyses, and corpus construction. Series Digital Linguistics. Berlin (im Druck).
– Fábián, Annamária / Trost, Igor / Altmann, Kevin / Schwind, Mara (2024): The analysis of ‘inclusion’ and ‘accessibility’ in Computer-Mediated-Communication for an inclusive transformation in digital societies. In: 11th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC 2024), 20–25. https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04673776.