Philipp Heinrich
Philipp Heinrich, M.Sc.
- geboren am 06.07.1988 in Augsburg
- 2008-2011: Studium Wirtschaftsmathematik (B.Sc.) an der FAU
- 2009-2015: diverse Stellen als Tutor am Department Mathematik und am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- 2011-2013: Studium Wirtschaftsmathematik (M.Sc.) an der FAU
- 2011-2016: Studium English and American Studies & Philosophie (B.A.) an der FAU
- 2015: Auslandssemester an der Inha University Incheon, Südkorea
- 2016-2017: Computerlinguist, Symanto Research GmbH & KG, Nürnberg
- seit 2015: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Korpus- und Computerlinguistik (ehemals Professur für Korpuslinguistik)
Journal Articles
- Adrian, A., Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., & Keuchen, M. (2023). AUTOMATISCHE ANONYMISIERUNG VON GERICHTSURTEILEN – EINE VISION SCHEINT REALISIERBAR. Jusletter IT, March, 211-220.
- Malapally, A., Blombach, A., Heinrich, P., Schnepf, J., & Bruckmüller, S. (2023). Unequal Tweets: Black Disadvantage is (Re)tweeted More but Discussed Less Than White Privilege. Political Communication.
- Adrian, A., Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., & Keuchen, M. (2022). Entwicklung und Evaluation automatischer Verfahren zur Anonymisierung von Gerichtsentscheidungen. LegalTech, 4, 233-238.
- Adrian, A., Evert, S., Keuchen, M., Heinrich, P., & Dykes, N. (2021). Anonymization of court decisions - An essential prerequisite of e-Justice Anonymisierung von gerichtsurteilen – eine wesentliche voraussetzung für E-justice. Jusletter IT, May, 137-147.
- Dykes, N., Evert, S., Göttlinger, M., Heinrich, P., & Schröder, L. (2021). Argument parsing via corpus queries. it - Information Technology, 63, 31-44.
- Dykes, N., Evert, S., Göttlinger, M., Heinrich, P., & Schröder, L. (2020). Reconstructing Arguments from Noisy Text. Datenbank-Spektrum, 20, 123-129.
- Evert, S., Heinrich, P., Henselmann, K., Rabenstein, U., Scherr, E., Schmitt, M., & Schröder, L. (2019). Combining Machine Learning and Semantic Features in the Classification of Corporate Disclosures. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 309-330.
- Schäfer, F., Evert, S., & Heinrich, P. (2017). Japan's 2014 General Election: Political Bots, Right-Wing Internet Activism and PM Abe Shinzō’s Hidden Nationalist Agenda. Big Data, 5(4), 1 - 16.
Book Contributions
- Adrian, A., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., & Keuchen, M. (2024). Auslegung des KI-VO-E zur Evaluation von Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz am Beispiel der automatischen Anonymisierung von Gerichtsentscheidungen. In Erich Schweighofer / Stefan Eder / Federico Costantini / Felix Schmautzer / Jonas Pfister (Hrg.), Sprachmodelle: Juristische Papageien oder mehr? – Tagungsband des 27. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2024. (S. 205 - 215).
- Adrian, A., Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., & Keuchen, M. (2023). Automatische Anonymisierung von Gerichtsurteilen – Eine Vision scheint realisierbar. In Erich Schweighofer / Jakob Zanol / Stefan Eder (Hrg.), Rechtsinformatik als Methodenwissenschaft des Rechts – Tagungsband des 26. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2023. (S. 211 - 220). Editions Weblaw.
- Adrian, A., Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., Keuchen, M., & Proisl, T. (2022). Manuelle und automatische Anonymisierung von Urteilen. In Adrian, Axel/Kohlhase, Michael/Evert, Stephanie/Zwickel, Martin (Hrg.), Digitalisierung von Zivilprozess und Rechtsdurchsetzung. (S. 173-197).
- Dykes, N., Heinrich, P., & Evert, S. (2022). Retrieving Twitter argumentation with corpus queries and discourse analysis. In Susanne Flach, Martin Hilpert (Eds.), Broadening the Spectrum of Corpus Linguistics: New approaches to variability and change. (pp. 229-256). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Pfaffenberger, F., & Heinrich, P. (2021). Die überschätzte Gefahr? Twitter-Bots im Europawahlkampf 2019. In Holtz-Bacha C (Eds.), Europawahlkampf 2019: Zur Rolle der Medien. (pp. 115 - 148). Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Keuchen, M., Adrian, A., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., & Dykes, N. (2021). Anonymisierung von Gerichtsurteilen – Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für E-Justice –. In Schweighofer E, Eder S, Hanke P, Kummer F, Saarenpää A (Hrg.), Cybergovernance - Tagungsband des 24. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2021. (S. 137 - 149). Editions Weblaw.
- Griebel, T., Evert, S., & Heinrich, P. (2020). Possibilities and Challenges of Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analyses of Austerity in the United Kingdom. In Griebel T, Evert S, Heinrich P (Eds.), Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses: Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom. (pp. 1 - 10). London: Routledge.
- Griebel, T., & Heinrich, P. (2020). The Cultural Political Economy of Brexit in the Age of Austerity. In Griebel T, Evert S, Heinrich P (Eds.), Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses: Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom. (pp. 163 - 188). London: Routledge.
- Adrian, C., Griebel, T., Heinrich, P., & Vollmann, E. (2020). Will the real populism (please) stand out? Eine interdisziplinäre Aufarbeitung populistischer Tendenzen in Brexit-Tweets im Kontext der Europawahl 2019. In Christina Holtz-Bacha (Eds.), Europawahlkampf 2019. (pp. 245-274). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Pfaffenberger, F., Adrian, C., & Heinrich, P. (2019). Was bin ich – und wenn ja, wie viele? Identifikation und Analyse von Political Bots während des Bundestagswahlkampfs 2017 auf Twitter. In Holtz-Bacha, Christina (Eds.), Die (Massen-)Medien im Wahlkampf: Die Bundestagswahl 2017. (pp. 97 - 124). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Edited Volumes
- Griebel, T., Evert, S., & Heinrich, P. (Eds.) (2020). Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses: Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom. London: Routledge.
Conference Contributions
- Heinrich, P., Blombach, A., Doan Dang, B.M., Zilio, L., Havenstein, L., Dykes, N.,... Schäfer, F. (2024). Automatic Identification of COVID-19-Related Conspiracy Narratives in German Telegram Channels and Chats. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Min-Yen Kan, Veronique Hoste, Alessandro Lenci, Sakriani Sakti, Nianwen Xue (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024) (pp. 1932-1943). Turin, IT.
- Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., Humml, M., & Schröder, L. (2024). Leveraging High-Precision Corpus Queries for Text Classification via Large Language Models. In Hautli-Janisz A, Lapesa G, Anastasiou L, Gold V, Liddo AD, Reed C (Eds.), Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language-driven Deliberation Technology (DELITE) @ LREC-COLING 2024 (pp. 52--57). Torino, Italy: Torino, Italy: ELRA and ICCL.
- Adrian, A., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., & Keuchen, M. (2024). Auslegung des KI-VO-E zur Evaluation von Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz am Beispiel der automatischen Anonymisierung von Gerichtsentscheidungen. In Erich Schweighofer, Stefan Eder, Federico Costantini, Felix Schmautzer, Jonas Pfister (Eds.), Sprachmodelle: Juristische Papageien oder mehr? -- Tagungsband des 27. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2024 (pp. 205 -- 215). Salzburg, Österreich: Salzburg, Austria.
- Heinrich, P., Blombach, A., Doan Dang, B.M., Zilio, L., Havenstein, L., Dykes, N.,... Schäfer, F. (2024). Automatic Identification of COVID-19-related Narratives in German Telegram Channels and Chats. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Min-Yen Kan, Veronique Hoste, Alessandro Lenci, Sakriani Sakti, Nianwen Xue (Eds.), LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings (pp. 1932-1943). Torino, IT: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., Humml, M., & Schröder, L. (2024). Finding Argument Fragments on Social Media with Corpus Queries and LLMs. In Philipp Cimiano, Anette Frank, Michael Kohlhase, Benno Stein (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (pp. 163-181). Bielefeld, DEU: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
- Diwersy, S., Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., & Luxardo, G. (2022). Eine korpuslinguistische Analyse der Corona-Berichterstattung in der deutschen und französischen Presse. In Tagungsband Mots et Discours de la Pandémie. Heidelberg, DE.
- Tayebi Arasteh, S., Monajem, M., Christlein, V., Heinrich, P., Nicolao, A., Boldaji, H.N.,... Evert, S. (2021). How Will Your Tweet Be Received? Predicting the Sentiment Polarity of Tweet Replies. In IEEE (Eds.), 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) (pp. 370-373). Laguna Hills, CA, US.
- Blombach, A., Dykes, N., Heinrich, P., Kabashi, B., & Proisl, T. (2020). A Corpus of German Reddit Exchanges (GeRedE). In Nicoletta Calzolari, Frederic Bechet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Helene Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis (Eds.), LREC 2020 - 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Conference Proceedings (pp. 6310-6316). Marseille, FR: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- Dykes, N., Heinrich, P., & Blombach, A. (2020, February). Independent argumentation schemes? Transferring argument queries from Brexit to environment tweets. Paper presentation at ICAME41, Heidelberg, DE.
- Blombach, A., Dykes, N., Evert, S., Heinrich, P., Kabashi, B., & Proisl, T. (2020). A new German Reddit corpus. In Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Natural Language Processing, KONVENS 2019 (pp. 278-279). Erlangen-Nurnberg, DE: German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology.
- Evert, S., Harlamov, O., Heinrich, P., & Baski, P. (2020). Corpus query lingua franca part II: Ontology. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Frederic Bechet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Helene Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis (Eds.), LREC 2020 - 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Conference Proceedings (pp. 3346-3352). Marseille, FR: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- Proisl, T., Dykes, N., Heinrich, P., Kabashi, B., Blombach, A., & Evert, S. (2020). EmpiriST Corpus 2.0: Adding Manual Normalization, Lemmatization and Semantic Tagging to a German Web and CMC Corpus. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Frederic Bechet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Helene Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis (Eds.), LREC 2020 - 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Conference Proceedings (pp. 6142-6148). Marseille, FR: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- Dykes, N., Heinrich, P., & Evert, S. (2019, June). Arguing Brexit on Twitter. A corpus linguistic study. Paper presentation at European Conference on Argumentation 2019, Groningen, NL.
- Dykes, N., Heinrich, P., & Evert, S. (2019, June). Reconstructing Twitter arguments with corpus linguistics. Paper presentation at ICAME40: Language in Time, Time in Language, Neuchâtel, CH.
- Proisl, T., Uhrig, P., Heinrich, P., Blombach, A., Mammarella, S., Dykes, N., & Kabashi, B. (2019). The_Illiterati: Part-of-Speech Tagging for Magahi and Bhojpuri Without Even Knowing the Alphabet. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on NLP Solutions for Under Resourced Languages (NSURL 2019) (pp. 73-79). Trento, IT: Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Proisl, T., Heinrich, P., Kabashi, B., & Evert, S. (2018). EmotiKLUE at IEST 2018: Topic-Informed Classification of Implicit Emotions. In Balahur A, Mohammad SM, Hoste V, Klinger R (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (pp. 235–242). Brüssel, BE: Brussels: Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Heinrich, P., & Schäfer, F. (2018). Extending Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis for Exploring Japanese Social Media. In Yukio Tono & Hitoshi Isahara (Eds.), Proceedings of 4th Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC2018) (pp. 135 - 140). Takamatsu, JP.
- Heinrich, P. (2018). Stylistic Features in Corporate Disclosures and their Predictive Power. In Yukio Tono & Hitoshi Isahara (Eds.), Proceedings of 4th Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC2018) (pp. 129 - 134). Takamatsu, JP.
- Heinrich, P., Adrian, C., Kalashnikova, O., Schäfer, F., & Evert, S. (2018). A Transnational Analysis of News and Tweets about Nuclear Phase-Out in the Aftermath of the Fukushima Incident. In Andreas Witt, Jana Diesner, Georg Rehm (Eds.), Proceedings of the LREC 2018 “Workshop on Computational Impact Detection from Text Data” (pp. 8 - 16). Miyazaki, JP: Paris: ELRA.
- Pfaffenberger, F., Adrian, C., & Heinrich, P. (2018). Political bots during the German federal election campaign 2017 on Twitter. In Proceedings of the 7. European Communication Conference (ECC) der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Lugano, CH.
- Evert, S., Heinrich, P., Henselmann, K., Rabenstein, U., Scherr, E., & Schröder, L. (2017). Combining Machine Learning and Semantic Features in the Classification of Corporate Disclosures. In Loukanova R, Liefke K (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2017 (LACompLing2017) (pp. 47 - 62). Stockholm, SE: Stockholm: Stockholm University.
- Proisl, T., Heinrich, P., Evert, S., & Kabashi, B. (2017). Translation Inference across Dictionaries via a Combination of Graph-based Methods and Co-occurrence Statistics. In McCrae J, Bond F, Buitelaar P, Cimiano P, Declerck T, Gracia J, Kernerman I, Ponsoda E, Ordan N, Piasecki M (Eds.), Proceedings of the LDK 2017 Workshops: 1st Workshop on the OntoLex Model (OntoLex-2017), Shared Task on Translation Inference Across Dictionaries & Challenges for Wordnets (pp. 94–102). Galway, IE: CEUR.